About Joyce and Jane

Welcome to CoomberSewell Enterprises LLP, where we aim to support you to reach your potential, as a professional business person, an academic, a student, an autistic person making their way in the world, or as a family, friend or a carer working with someone who is on the autistic spectrum.

About CoomberSewell Enterprises

There are three complementary sides to our company - businesses, academic and autism support.

They fit together nicely as our skills and experience have been built in all three communities.  Our clients come from all walks of life, including the arts.

You can be a member of any and all of these communities or none to benefit from our services.

Jane and Joyce CoomberSewell

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A mentor is an informed, considered person, who will build rapport with you, listen to your concerns, challenges and help you make well thought out plans and strategies to succeed.

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Study skills is not about subject knowledge it  is about understanding the difference between being taught and being an independent learner. To be able to work on reports, bids, pricing plans etc. 

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Proofreading is an undervalued stage of the editing process but can make all the difference to the Business Plan, Developing Websites, Thesis, Novel or any other Published work.

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Independent research can take a range of forms and purposes. The limits are only imposed by the imagination. Archive, desk based research, interview based research, and biographical research. 

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